Tuesday, August 31, 2021

first lord lambourne


First of our most recently planted apples. A Lord Lambourne. 

Luckily, we spotted that the one next to it had gone rotten. This one was a little mushy - on the far side - but still delicious. Refreshing, crunchy, subtly tasty. Though the variety is said to be strong flavoured, so perhaps the rot had some effect.

Parentage is James Grieve, which we've been growing for some years, and Worcester Pearmain. Imagined it was a local - west Berkshire - variety but then realised our spelling mistake (Lambourn). In fact the variety was bred by Laxtons Brothers Ltd in Bedford in 1907.

Sunday, August 22, 2021

barley field in july, the spiders, the limits of thought, mental sleights of hand, abundant cucumbers, nearing the end of the maris peer


Three photos taken between 30th June and 22nd July, showing the story of a barley field in west Oxfordshire. While I love the idea of harvest, I can't help worrying for the spiders. Just as I worry for the insects when I strim grass on the allotment. Not that I stop strimming... I suppose the mind gives up on such contemplations. They are too boggling and disturbing.

In the meantime, the trimmed paths of the allotment surround generous plants. Abundant runner beans - and never have we had so many cucumbers! I love J's cucumber soup! Today I dug half of the remaining Maris Peer earlies. Not as firm as last year's crop but certainly delicious!

Saturday, August 7, 2021

wake-up bike ride, rain on the way?, blackcurrants and tea


Sun-still-low-on-the-horizon wake-up bike ride earlier.

Doubt the weather will last though.

Now, some chores done, blackcurrants and tea and catching up with Open Country.

Friday, August 6, 2021

brisk, central oxford (not far off)


Brisk walk earlier in the week at lunchtime.

Through the Parks and over the rainbow bridge.

Astonishing that this view is ten minutes from Oxford's city centre.