Sunday, July 31, 2022

highmoor brook, showers - hooray!, about to collect bike, post-op, the brightness!, the clarity!


Still some water in the Highmoor Brook and other streams in and around the village. Plants thriving here, where the brook flows through the old water meadows.

As I type, a few days after the photo was taken, there has been rain overnight and a decent shower or two now, this afternoon. Hooray.

Though there's not much more forecast for the coming fortnight.

Photo was taken on one the last walks before I collected my bike, which was being repaired in the weeks following my op, when I couldn't do anything too strenuous.

Op btw a success. Amazing to be able to see again. The brightness! The clarity!

Thursday, July 21, 2022

osney bird and friend, moderating, new page: occasional poems, on the tin, within reason

Lovely to see the Osney heron (aka Osney Bird) - and friend - yesterday on my way to work.

It was great to walk along the Thames and canal to north Oxford from Osney Bridge. Fortunately, the temperatures were moderating by then.

Btw I've created a new page, opposite, entitled Occasional Poems, which does what it says on the tin.

First one's Within reason.

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

busy spell, week off, sunbrella shelter, wild life, inching moon

After a busy spell at the libraries, not to mention a fair bit of marking and teaching, it's great to have a week off.

Quite a lot of our time is being spent at the top of the garden. Long lunches sheltered by the sunbrella, and in the evening, swifts scream above us or circle the church spire. We clock the fleeting silhouettes of bats, the call and reply of owls, the plop of frogs in our pond. Last night the moon inched into view beyond our neighbour's trees.