Sunday, February 21, 2021

ice patterns, crab apples, last harvests, first seeds planted


Ice patterns on a full ditch beside a green lane to the south of the village. Further on there were snowdrops in the hedge and soon there will be daffodils. The site of an old cottage, I think.

Went cycling yesterday and saw these crab apples. There is always a scatter of them in the verge and they lie over winter. They contrast with the green - or in colder years the frost-bleached grass - and catch the eye as you pass. I'm always surprised that they don't get eaten. I will try and see, this year, whether they ever are or just rot down, feeding the parent tree.

Last of the beetroot soup today or tomorrow and then the last leek will be made into soup. It's lovely that we are enjoying veg from the allotment still, sad though it is that the harvests are almost finished.

The plot is drying out now and soon we will start work again. The seeds have arrived and J has planted the broad bean seed - generously, in case the mice raid the cold cabinet.

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